Wednesday 17 January 2018

Jar of Hopes

Jar filled with lights, but yet surrounded by loneliness. Though there are other jars but yet no one close enough to share the thought, and so is today's lifestyle. People being surrounded by people but yet always hesitate to talk. Always there is a thought that how would the opposite person react to my opinion or how he will think about me when he would get to know about my situation. The main reason that people hesitate to ask is the darkness lying beneath their heart about the low confidence. Everyone must stop thinking about the circumstances and must live there life at the fullest. 
The light inside the jar is surrounded by the wall of a glass but in the end they are the reason for glowingness in the surrounding. So must be the humans. Who might know someone's stupid joke can make a angry person HAPPY.
#PS- It's my first blog and trying to make some more, please help me out with my mistakes and please review the blog :)